Sunday, April 8, 2018

Opportunities Abound

Try to make today better than yesterday.  Search for opportunities to grow and deepen your roots.

Make a list of Shabbat opportunities. What can you tackle as a family or individual to enhance the meaning of Shabbat in your life?
Action (mitzvot aseh)

It is a mitzvah for the family to prepare for Shabbat and celebrate it together. Individuals should consider inviting friends were joining with others to celebrate.

It is a mitzvah to light Shabbat candles with the appropriate berakha, blessing.

It is a mitzvah to sing the Kiddush and welcome Shabbat with wine, in the home as well as in the synagogue.

It is a mitzvah to say the berakha over two hallot when starting a meal.

It is a mitzvah to have a special meal and say birkat ha-mazon (grace after meals) afterward.

It is a mitzvah to join the Congregation in prayer during Shabbat.

It is a mitzvah to maintain and enjoy the special quality of Shabbat throughout the day.

It is a mitzvah to recite Havdalah, concluding the Shabbat, over a candle, wine and spices.

What not to do (mitzvot lo-taaseh)
  It is a mitzvah to not engage in gainful work on Shabbat.

 It is a mitzvah not to perform household chores and Shabbat.

 It is a Mitzvah to refrain from shopping on Shabbat.

 It is a mitzvah to not participate in social, organizational events on Shabbat.

These are 12 different mitzvot.*  There are many more we can consider and choose. However these suggestions are a good place to start.

*Mitzvah means, that which we do in response to God’s ordinance.

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