Tuesday, December 12, 2023

What we Carry

 A diamond dealer patiently waited for the arrival of his shipment.  It was late.  The merchant stared out his front window waiting for the diamonds to arrive.  “He should have been here long ago!  Something must have happened, ” he thought.  

Then he saw the man trudging up the street wearily carrying a heavy suitcase.  His shoulders drooped and the messenger looked near exhaustion, almost lifeless.

The merchant ran out to meet him.  “What has happened?  I know something terrible has happened!”

Distraught, the merchant envisioned that that is man sat by the road, drifted off to sleep while a thief made off with the precious stones.  It could not be otherwise because when a person carried something of great value they do not feel the weight but when the carry something valueless it feels like a ton.

Isn’t life like that?  When we carry something we love it is weightless: when it is a burden it is an unbearable weight.  Regrets are like leaden weights.  So are sins.

My sins are over my head.  They are a burden that is too heavy for me. Psalm 38:5

When regrets get in the way of living it is time to jettison them.  It is time to ask God for forgiveness and relieve us of abiding pain that hobbles our growth.

I am bent and bowed greatly.” Psalm 38:7

Forgive me Lord.  Love me.  Grant me the freedom that comes from your wiping the slate clean.  And Lord, let me, my harshest critic, forgive me. 

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