Friday, December 8, 2023

First Thing

 There are many draws on life.  For the seeker of God, learning how to pray is vital.  It can occupy much time.  The one who wishes to guard their tongue from gossip must expend great effort.  It is not easy to change the way we talk.  To keep to the speed limit may require significant energy if you are not used to it.  The same can be said for any spiritual change.  

Despite all the draws, here is what the Talmud has to say:   “The first question a person will be asked when they appear before the Heavenly Court will be, “Have you been honest in business”?”            ~  Shabbat 19a

The most elemental part of being human begins with integrity.  God is most concerned with how we behave in the marketplace.  Why?  Because it has a ripple effect that radiates out in a wide arc of unanticipated ways.  Here are a few:

·         The person affected will suffer.

·         One person whose pocketbook is affected will likely try to recoup their loss from someone else.  That means a chain of people will be hurt.

·         The lesson we teach by our actions will be absorbed by others.  They will imitate us.  More pain.

·         God is particularly concerned when we can “get away with it.”  After all, the sins which pass unnoticed are the most insidious.


There are many places to commence the great journey of life.  The first step is how we treat one another with commerce.


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