Pretending, make-believe, is a game we are good at playing and winning. It enables us to be many things we would otherwise be unable to be. Mask wearing offers many benefits but has equal number of powerful drawbacks.
Leaders, who hold empires on the illusion of control, are carrying an enormous burden. Not only do they have to exercise control over their environment but must keep their own emotional needs constantly and check as well. During times of emotional stress the burden becomes overwhelming.
The trouble with the façade is that it is not as stable as the stuff underneath.
Kabbalists, mystics, call this universe “Olam Sheker,” a universe of deceit. Pretenses obfuscate truth and do not allow us to see reality. The next world however it’s called “Olam Emet” because everything is in accordance with the Divine Will. It is complete truth. All is as appears.
A little boy was called to the witness stand. The prosecuting attorney cross-examined him and then delivered what he thought was a crushing blow to his testimony.
“Your father has been telling you how to testify, hasn’t he?”
“Yes,” the boy answered.
“Yes,” the boy answered.
“Now,” continued the lawyer, “tell us what your father told you to say.”
“Well,” the boy began, “Father told me that the lawyer would try to get me tangled up but if I would jus tell the truth, I would be right always.”
Talmud says, “Truth is the seal of God.” (Shabbat 55a)
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