Thursday, August 24, 2023

Holy Days

 Beth Shalom has been an anchoring rock for more than a century in our community.  Founded by European immigrants it originally was an Orthodox synagogue and gradually moved to accommodate an English-speaking and acculturated Jewish community in Columbia.  Through the many decades each successive generation has worked and succeeded to keep the congregation informed and provide numerous entry points to accommodate the full range of Jewish practices and knowledge.


Now well into the twenty-first century, we continue to nurture membership and outreach to those unconnected to the congregation, support the whole Jewish community and act as a conduit to our non-Jewish neighbors.


The building of the infrastructure of the Beth Shalom Synagogue is not static.  We continue to innovate and provide new opportunities to enter into both the faith of our ancestors as well as remain committed to the tenets of Conservative Judaism.  This requires imagination and a steadfast unswerving dedication to our Judaic heritage.


This High Holy season we are testing new ground by creating new doors to enter our sacred tradition.  The mystic tradition of Kabbalah informs us that there are seventy doors to the Castle.  Seventy, they tell us, because each person has their own point of entry. Numerous choices await as you come in to join with the many familiar faces inside your hallowed home.  


We understand that each person is different and is moved by accessing their faith in a unique way.  Some want to pray as we have for millennia.  Others are looking to be moved to an experience that touches their soul in a profound way.  Some want to express their connection to their soul by deep reflection and some by kabbalistic practices of breathing and movement.  Many people are moved by a supernal meeting with those biblical forebears who lie at the roots of our tradition.


Each of these pathways will be offered to you and your guests these holy days.  You will choose to enter the door that beckons your soul.  These are not services as usual.


Doubtless you have heard about the many entryways already.  You will read more about them in this issue of the newsletter as well as in the media in the coming days.  Think deeply about your personal needs to connect with your past and allow it to meet up with your present when electing how to be touched this New Year.


You are invaluable, one-of-a-kind.  Each of us is crafted by the Almighty to be uniquely gifted to be who are meant to be.  In providing these numerous opportunities to engage your self, mind, and soul, the Yamim Noraim – Days of Awe – we hope that everyone will find moments to be uplifted and challenged in ways never imagined. Do not be surprised to find life’s trajectories changed as we make our faith more accessible than ever.


As the great sage Hillel taught two thousand years ago, “Come and learn.”   Choose the door that speaks to you and enter the Castle.


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