Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Everyone on earth had the same language and the same words.  And as they migrated from the east, they came to a valley in the land of Shinar and settled….  They said one to another, “Come let us build a city and a tower with its top in the sky…”                  Genesis Chapter 11

What was the point in building the Tower of Babel?  Why was G-d so angry at their efforts?  Coming just after the episode of the Flood, the reader now sees a universe bent on the unified theme of building a massive tower.

Rashi asks: “The same language and the same words?”  Why is this such a problem?  Isn’t this what the Lord wants of us?  To be unified in mind and purpose?  Yes, the Master answers, but not now; in the messianic era.  We are not yet prepared for such goodness.  While we are still misguided and often debase human values and people we need dissenters.  We require those who provide differing views making us question the correctness of our attitudes. 

That is why the punishment for the people of Babel is proportionate to their wrongdoing.  As a result of the sin of the Tower, they were denied the ability to speak and be understood.  In this way, they were directed to question authority.  Perhaps, say the ancient sage, evil is when all people agree.

In our own families, businesses, and communities we need to continually learn and grow.  Leadership decisions need to be questioned and debated.  Have we done well?  Or have we been dealing with only portions of needed information?  Have we conducted our business fairly and honestly?  Or have we been fearful of disagreement and shunned alternative opinions?

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