Words spoken at the wrong moment can have dramatic and
long-lasting consequences. The same is
true for words that have not been thought-out, a spontaneous blurt. Reflect for moment on the residual insults,
slights, and wounds you bear. More often
than not, we are not victims of physical assaults but have all been are verbally
Long after the words were spoken, long after the person who
said them forgot what he said, we still remember. Those words keep us up at night. They come to us in dark moments and cause us
to cringe…often decades later.
The internet has hastened the verbal decline in the psychic
abyss. Words sent with abandon are read
and re-read, each time extracting new unintended meanings. Deler
licebit quod non edideris; nescit vox missa revert. “You can change what you did not write - but
words written you can never retract,” wrote the Roman poet Horace. I know people who hold onto excoriating notes
written to them years later and grow angrier every time they read them.
Perhaps that is why Rashi identifies the aspect of man that
was “made in the image of God” as the gift of speech. When we speak we build or destroy; we heal or
hurt. Just as God cast the world into
being with words so too we become creators with what we say. Words are never meaningless or empty; they
are filled and volatile vessels.
It is interesting that the Hebrew for “words” is the same as
for “things” (devarim). I suspect that
the ancient ones knew that words are things.
Once spoken they become alive. They embed themselves quickly into the minds
of the listener and become part of their being.
Kabbalah goes so far as to tell us that letters and words the building
blocks of the physical universe. The
letters themselves are like the foundation which undergirds everything. Without their power the universe would
collapse on itself.
In tefilah, prayer,
one word can have a tremendous impact.
One single word uttered with focus and intention can elevate a moment or
even a lifetime. In life, a word of
praise spoken at the right time can redeem a lifetime of regret and
despair. A wrong word can destroy a
person and even ruin their family.
The power invested in humanity by God through the gift of
speech is overwhelming. We are charged
to use it well – for the sake of building life and not tearing it down. Be compassionate in word.
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