Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Best

Best advice to couples:
                   “If you wife is short, bend down”---Talmud
 In other words, never be haughty; lovers and companions must be equals.

On Time:
                    There is no greater gift than time; that is why they call it the “Present.”

Best advice to children:
                      Sticks and stones may break my bones,
                      And names will always hurt me.
                      “Life and death are on your tongue”—Talmud

What is Most Important in Life:
                      People can be deprived of food and water; They can be ridiculed and
abused. They can get along with almost any pain. Yet, no one can survive without Love.

On Change:
                      A Master once asked his pupils: What is the difference between east and west?  One answered that it was 4,00 miles. Another shouts that it was
double that 8,00 miles. More and more answers were offered. At each response, the Master shook his head. Finally, he told them, “My students, the difference between East and West is a single step. All you have to do is turn around.”

Best Advice you Ever Receive:
                        “Discretion is the better part of Valor.”

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